Thursday, January 08, 2004

Do I hear 100 Quetzals?

Jueves, 8 de enero 2004

Today is a market day. I am now in Santa Cruz de Quiche. Earlier today I was in the famous market of Chichicastenango also in the Quiche department. It was full of tourists and it´s amusing the negotiating tactics. I was trying to buy an embroidered Mayan Calender, the man offered 800 quetzales, which is $100. The same thing is Panajachel, by the Atitlan lake was 600, so I told him so. And he was trying to tell me it was different. It's always different isn´t it. People from all regions of the world say that. And then they try to sell you something else really cheap that you don´t have ANY interest in having just so they don´t "waste time". I swear, it must be the must frustrating and unenjoyable job selling things in the market. Dealing with stingy tourists that probably think that you are trying to sell a higher price. I know what the item was worth so I just was trying to get a decent price. I always offer about half about what I want to pay. So I said 250, about 30 dollars. The man ended up following me down the street and 400 quetzales was ok. I said I would think about it. I ended up buying a different one, That was probably nicer, with silk thread. Eventually there will be a cool picture here on the site.

Anyway, I´m here in Quiche, deciding on my future. It´s a departmental head but it has it´s share of social ills. Interesting that you have beggers here in front of the church and foul mouthed sleazy older men making comments about my "curvas". So, It´s interesting that I guess the culture isn´t as strong here and has led to some societal ills and which is normal in globalization, but very sad.

They are teaching Mayan mathematics here as well as languages through bilingual education programs.
Mayan calculator 

Wheel of Fortune - Pick a Letter anyletter: Ways to teach Quiche to children

I am going back to Guatemala City tonight and then off to Tikal to the Mayan Ruins tomorrow night.
Definately do I have more to recount but time is but no more for today... :*