Crazy in Colorado
I read the news today...About a lucky man who made the grade...He blew his mind out in a car...He didn't notice that the lights had changed. For some reason, these words from the Beatles, Day in the Life, come to mind when thinking about the news from today. I have been hearing about the poor young soul who has taken sprawl, globalization and terror to the US in Colorado. I could not believe it when I heard it, however, this man decided to take things into his own hands regarding zoning. He couldn't take it anymore and loaded up his bulldozer with armor and started razing buildings. It sounded somewhat like he had been taking lessons from the news himself with the Israelis in some parts of Palestine/Israel. Anyway he found himself holed up somewhere in the armored bulldozer with his demands and kiled himself today, I believe. Check out the Colorado version and shortened international copy of the story.
On a lighter note, there are these websites for online dating catered to Muslims which allows finding a suitable spouse while not going against the no-dating principle.
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