Sonic flotation devices
I had acupuncture done on Friday and it was amazing. It was not just acupuncture but they also used traditional Chinese healing with heated blue suction cups which pinch a bit at first and scary because you can't move but then you realize they are playful as puppies and will fall off at their own will.
As I was lying there with the baby thin needles I felt like I was floating with layers of living dreams that all seem strangely familiar. I was conscious but disorientated thinking that I was on my bed. It reminded me after leaving burning man and realizing that I didn't have to duck as I was not in a tent any more. I remember that as the needle went into my rhomboid (middle back) which has been hurting a lot recenlty, it tickled and hurt at the same time. You could see that I have a lot of tension there. At one point I attempted to move my foot and felt pain, perhaps because I was moving the needle? Those suction cups I mentioned leave big bruises depending on how much negative energy that it is drawing out of you. Overall acupuncture made me very relaxed, a bit giddy and very happy.
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