Sunday, November 07, 2004

Soy hyper!

This title makes sense in two ways: in Spanish and English. In Spanish: Yes, I AM hyper and two, in English: hyper on roasted soy. You wouldn't think that is possible. It comes somewhat slow at first and out of nowhere you find yourself singing and shouting and doing jumping jacks saying silly things. I think I was singing a broccoli song that I was making up. Yes, it is indeed powerful stuff. Vova bought me Rocamojo, this roasted soy alternative to coffee, Roca Mojo, that has 13 grams of protein and 23% of daily fiber intake in each glass. Forget coffee, this stuff drives a much higher high, although it is the first time so perhaps that is it. In any case, it made me forget the fact I am losing in dominos to Vova at the moment and make me seriously giddy. I was going to have decaf chai now but we decided a nice vaccine to the roasted soy drink would be relaxing lavender and camomile. Spirulina, on a side note also drives a strong rocket to blast you out of bed in morning. Although, grapefruit essential oil would wake me out of a deep deep sleep.

The great things about altered states are that they make you numb in some sense. Either laughing, giddy or just not entirely in this world. Whether it be sleep deprivation, food deprivation, caffeine, alcohol or other drugs...


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