Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Mother and child

As I was waiting for the bus today I saw a woman crouching next to a big block and cradling a 2 year child. I then saw a cigarette in her hand. I usually try to be diplomatic in this situation however, I couldn't just let it slip by and so I mentioned that secondhand smoke is one of the major causes of asthma in children. She responded with, "It isn't blowing on him". Let's say she is right, it still affects him and chances are she does it in the same room on a usual basis. I tried at least. I know all the statistics of mothers smoking around their kids but it always hurts more when you see it. It causes respiratory infections, sudden infant death syndrome and birth defects, as well as stillborns in case anyone is interested.


At 16 March, 2005 18:13, Anonymous Anonymous said...

although I agree that smoking is bad, second hand smoke is bad and tobacco is farmed instead of food, causing all sorts of trouble, isn't it more worrying that the average american car puts out more cancerous pollutants than a 20 a day smoker?


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