Monday, April 04, 2005

Talking in jingles

I went to visit my grandmother yesterday at her senior assisted living commune. She is not very lucid these days due to age other problems. It is surreal speaking with her as she can't hear very well. Today, she seemed to be speaking only in jingles from television and radio. She was quoting Allstate yesterday. It is crazy to think that those are the things that stick in your head. Can you imagine what this planet would be like if commercials actually were used to help people learn languages or inform them on serious global issues rather than "Oscar Meyer has a way with B-O-L-O-G-N-A"? Working in tobacco control, I understand quite well the power of subliminal advertising. However as much as I remember some of the adverts, there is no chance I will by the product. Like the bologna, or some SUV etc.


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