Monday, May 16, 2005

Mowed grass for food

So according to our colleague from Nigeria, Tosen who was at the Philip Morris protest, we are now eating real food. He compared salads to someone mowing their lawns and putting the remains on the plate, which is true in some ways but again it is health to eat many things from an organic lawn, even dandelions for cleansing the body ;). The food here is not as bad as the guidebook says, more variety than Guatemalan food, but then again I haven't been to a village. One of the dishes I had tonight is melon seed paste and spinach. It is yellowish in color with green specks from the spinach and white bits which is the melon (tastes a bit strange).

Apparently many blacks in Africa especially Nigeria have diabetes from eating lots of yams and cassava. I saw on TV Nigerian women bumping and grinding along to yoruba rap.

Ruth, the woman who went with me to exchange money taught me a yoruba based word "jarra, jarra" meaning more, more. She wanted more of a discount. The women here seem to hold the whip where men just follow along being more laid back.

I didn't think I would be talking about diet and nutrition to a very large African man today. He says the reason many Nigerians have diabetes according to an anthropologist is that people used to eat less and be more active. Now they are less active and eat more.


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