I have been rediscovering the beauties of afternoon light. I had almost forgotten how magical it is as it tiptoes into your bedroom to wake you up. There has been an almost permanent cloud over the southern bits of South America when I was there. Just somewhat escorting us around. You could almost joke that it is reassuring, something constant. Being not entirely twisted and born into sunlight, I, personally don't follow that logic. I am a bit shell-shocked however confused where I am. What language I am speaking, trying to relearn old customs. It never seeks to amaze me how quickly the human shape can adapt to new circumstances. When trying to get past a eldery man and child on the street just now, I wanted to say, Disculp or Licensia, portuguese for excuse me, or please may I go by. It just is in my head regardless of the fact I am not in Brazil. Granted, it has been only 3 full days since I have been back. I went to an Ethiopian restaurant with my visiting yoga teacher from SF, Jonathan and I almost said, obrigada, and then almost gracias to the waitress (portuguese and then spanish for thanks). I almost think I am going crazy but recognize it is natural. Looking at trash bins in toilets also confuse me somewhat. You see, humans, although being easily programmable, take time to be reprogrammed, especially when the two programs seem compatible and interchangeable.
I am in love with my garden. While I have been away it seems to have been pining for me, just growing larger and larger. The lavender plants resemble bushes a bit, the pineapple sage is turning into a reasonable size bush, something resembling a sunflower seems to be forming.
It is early September which could mean one of two things, or maybe various depending on the microclimates, but the two mainstream ones are: Summer is ending and fall is coming OR Winter is ending and Spring is coming. As I am currently in the northern hemisphere it is indeed the former. There are some curled up leaves on the ground with the haunting call of autumn. It is confusing on my body as I just left the Southern hemisphere with everyone getting excited for the big spring party on September 21st. It was lovely seeing the flowers on the trees in Argentina reminding me of what is March in the North. My house smells like peaches right now from the farmers market and I hear the neighbors children upstairs that sound like elephants needing ballet lessons...