Saturday, August 12, 2006

Georgia and the lack of closets

Why are there no closets in Georgia? Who took them and why? Where are they hiding? Is there a room stacked full of closets hidden in the one closet in Georgia?

For a group of people so secretive and unwilling to discuss the past and their own little secrets from “Nana had a nose job”, “Soso has an iligitimate son”, “Tata is not a virgin anymore and had hymen reconstruction surgery”, “Zaza visits the prostitute in town each week” you would think that Georgia would be full of the largest and nicest of closets possible. However in each house you visit, you will find the most inappropriate of items in well, the most inappropriate of places. In my “dining room” there is a huge 7 tiered crystal chandelier which functions as my “closet” for the time being as the bedroom is too small and has no built-in closets and well no wall space available to even have a door open in there, as the bedroom is currently functioning as an office workspace as well, there is no place for clothes. There is a shelving unit which has boxes piled up on top, apparently there is a American coffee maker and a VCR on top of the bookshelf, in the bedroom. The two by two by 5 foot “office” blocks a cabinet which stores jams, preserves, glasses and large kitchen bowls. There is a heating unit next to the window inches from the bed but it cannot be turned on really as it might asphyxiate us, taking up more space. Did I mention the 6 foot tall ladder that hangs out next to the entrance to the bedroom?

In the dining room, there is indeed a dining room table but it is a clothing rack, as there is no space in the two small armoire closets filled with sheets and towels and old clothes of my mother-in-law of sorts that I have yet to see worn, resulting in the fact my clothes are dispersed throughout the room. Blocking the closets are some sort of heavy flat long wooden plank things that weigh about 10 kilos, which we suspect is a dresser, but that is so last year. What on earth would we need another dresser for when we have a dining table? You could perhaps sit down in the dining room, however you would have to fight with some of the other clothing that wouldn’t fit on the table and is folded on the chairs instead. If you are looking to get to some of the liquor and other items stored in the storage unit, you’ll have to wrestle with the table/closet, more boxes, ski boots, a vacuum cleaner and our suitcases which double sometimes as closets as there aren’t any and then try to open the units behind it. And I once asked why Georgians are lazy :) In addition to being a closet, the chandeliered dining room is a Dubai storage unit where you can find 70 cheese graters, countless thermoses, Teflon frying pans, mixers, unused suitcases, blankets, and well about at least 150 boxes in all. You don’t have to trust me, we could have a box-counting party under the chandelier on the floor. The boxes might be a new look for Gucci perhaps: “No need for wallpaper, cardboard, baby. It’s all the rage.” You could probably even market it to some of the brand whores here and write a little jingle about it.

The bathroom has an electric meter dating to communism times in case they return to try to collect past dues, a rag under the sink as it leaks, 4 buckets that I share the shower with and three 5 liter water bottles for just in case the water goes out. Just recently I noticed a large light bulb on a shelf in the shower. I’m wondering whether it works and if so why is it stored in a place where it might make it not work? On top of the washing machine is where I keep my make-up, shampoo and other toiletries. I forgot to mention, there is a broom, a large stick, and a lot of other old things covered in dust. The living room is in fact a second “bedroom”/living room, ironing room and domain of the refrigerator which doesn’t always refrigerate each level to the same degree of coldness. The ironing board stores folded clothes, keys and purses. There is also the same fashionable cardboard wallpaper in here. “Really, it is all the rage in Paris!” The kitchen has all the normal items, but that lots and lots of dishes are stored in the second oven as the first one doesn’t really work properly and well if you wanted to use the working one, there are potatoes and onions stored on top, as there is no other place. The cups are behind the bowls, which are on top of the plates (at least in a cabinet). The flour is in a pot underneath another pot and yet another. That bowl you are looking for is way in the top cabinet behind the delicate china, be careful not to break it, or your neck trying to get it!

I have complained in the past about items being user specific, that is a grater especially for nutmeg, or a plug that works just for one type of phone. After living in this cornucopia of multipurpose/all purpose everything, I will take happily embrace that specific item for specific purpose any day. At least in that world, I may have a closet to store them in.

As you can see the Georgians have either a slight organization problem or perhaps a lack of closets. It really might be a bit more rational, let’s say, to have all the kitchen equipment in, well, the kitchen. The dining room might be able to be used as a place for eating and entertaining if it wasn’t a closet/storehouse, etc. Let’s take other nations for example, the British people are indeed quite tight-lipped and also unwilling to talk about certain personal news issues which is for the most part understandable, however, they place their items in closets, neatly store them away and sometime hide the key. Georgians on the other hand well, just ignore the issues and the fact that while you are having a conversation and aperitif, a ladder and a vacuum cleaner are winking at you. Georgians, despite their reluctance to talk about these issues, will display them on the laundry line, around the house, and put it anywhere but the closet. In the U.S., when you have guests over, if you do not have time to clean up entirely before they come over, you throw everything into the closet. In Georgia, there doesn’t seem to be an issue with having your tea with an ironing board. Privacy seems to be something that is just understood. Dirty laundry is only dirty if you say it is dirty. So despite the fact tampons and other unwanted items hanging out exposed all over the bathroom, no one is talking about it. The closets are not truly missing from Georgia; it is once again mislabeled like everything else. No need to put all the items away, unnecessary work as it is the Georgian people themselves who are the closets hiding the secrets. I guess for those who actually “come out of the closet” it will be a metaphysical experience. Perhaps that could explain, why it is so infrequent…or perhaps it could be the men wielding bats chasing them away. They never really liked metaphysics either…just too logical.


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