Saturday, April 29, 2006

The Future of Spam

As often my non-spam messages go into my spam, and my spam messages go into my inbox, I tend to look at the spam folder of my email. To my amazement, there was a message dated from 18 January 2038. 2038!! Speaking of spam, has anyone ever wondered why bad email is the same word as processed ham products? There was apparently a conflict after unwanted email began being called spam, and a legal pursuits of sorts began. However, Hormel the food company now seems OK with the strange association between SPAM ("food") and the inbox clogger, otherwise called spam. SPAM, the food is actually quite well loved in Guam.

So, Either I have had a mind bleep and haven't aged in 32 years, or the spammers are getting awfully sneaky. It's strange that my father also sent me some scary jokes about what life may be like when I am 58. I guess today is a forward-thinking day.

I also get a lot of spam from Spanish banks where I have never had accounts telling me something about my account.


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