Tuesday, February 17, 2004

UN Shenanigans

So today I waited in the multicultural queue in what will have been the coldest I have been this year. Perhaps it isn't comparable to Red Square in Moscow 2 years ago when I wished winter would escape through a little hole and bring the spring back in, but I was waiting in front of the UN headquarters to sit down and meet my match: will the UN like me or not? It's almost amusing how long it is going to take them to correct the exam. When people ask when I 'll hear I joke that they are sending each exam to every UN site to collect stamps. I mean it won't be graded until July. That's six months. Anyway. I am just so relieved to not have to take write anymore. I just want to relax. We were sitting on the UN National Assembly space where Kofi Annan speaks and the diplomatic representatives sit deciding the fate of world affairs. It was interesting how all the different groups and countries were represented, Arab League including among others. However there was not a name tag for the indigenous peoples of the world. Granted one person can't represent thousand of different languages and ethnicities but it is the thought that counts.

So we are in the huge line with snow on the ground and stockpiles of food in plastic bags on our arms so that in case difficult questions were to be presented, chocolate would be there, as was fruit, yogurt and water. This one Kuwaiti girl in front of us is talking to a Polish girl who doesn't have her Polish passport with her. We weren't sure if they would let her take the exam. It is based on nationality and intelligence/grades. There is less of a chance of getting accepted if you are American as is yours truly. Some people didn't even think Americans could take it this year. After we wind our way through the security, document checkers we are escorted the the famous hall where I sit in Suriname. I think my Georgian boyfriend was in Togo. I can't remember.

A future UN delegate, perhaps? Silly antics after 4 1/2 hours of sitting and writing...

"We must find a way to achieve peace among all nations.." Says the future Kofi ;)

My beloved Vladimer as the next representative of Georgia.


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