Monday, May 10, 2004

PR campaigns for Israeli soldiers?

So, as I was making my way through San Francisco today to make it to my various meetings. I happened upon a public relations piece for the Israeli soldiers. It was a huge billboard showing the humane side of the soldiers doing some of their decent things. It was very strange, considering I didn't think all of San Francisco were that much of activists to dislike them that much that the advert was so necessary. It really did catch my eye, more so that it was there than it was necessary. I saw it as being quite clever on the behalf of the person that put it there...A couple of months ago I saw a full page ad in the Economist about the wonders and greatness of the Saudi government about how tolerant and gracious they are with their people. That commercial piece was very much more comical as it seemed like it was needed more. Anyway just something to think about.


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