Thursday, July 22, 2004

Fragrance of a garden at night

As I was leaving my friend Kelleigh's house tonight after watching Reverand Billy who is a god send to corporate accountability issues ( his stuff is so radically amusing and critical to draw attention to consumer consumption) and the Handmaid's Tale, I passed through her garden and stopped to try to locate the luscious fragrance wafting nearby. It was indeed honeysuckle which smelled so lovely I needed to take a couple of flowers with me. I am amused in retrospect, that for some reason, flowers smell more beautiful and attract my attention at night. This is a bit odd but that is how it goes.

On the way there I nearly drove the car off one of San Francisco's minor driveway cliffs as it is always very steep. Good thing I am a native and know how to do 30 point turns to get my car back down the crooked and bumpy hill.

Buenas Noches

Monday, July 19, 2004

The world looks different from upside down

Accomplishment of the day: doing a head stand in yoga for the first time with the help of the instructor. During the class, I looked at it as some sort of impossible although I was still trying. I can't explain the liberation felt when balancing on my arms and head, legs in air as the instructor balances me into place and then suddently moves away very slowly. I couldn't believe that I was in the position that I was not sure would be achieved although I knew secretly it would be.

I am babbling in the exhileration of the moment.


Saturday, July 17, 2004

Down Dog

I have been inaugurated into the world of yogi wisdom outside of the realm of Bikram. Yes, I have attended a different type of yoga and it was definately inspiring. Entering the studio was a welcoming environment, not totally foreign but unsure of where my place would be. There are beautiful tapestries attached to the high ceiling with warm wall colors and a deep fire sunset with some clouds painted on the wall where a raised platform is in an altar like formation. I went to a Power Flow class which sounds like something you may do to your vacuum cleaner or to perhaps your sink or toilet. No, no, it is just Vinyasa Flow yoga in a heated studio. In layman's terms, a sequences of repeated and new postures that all involve down dog. Sounds like a command but it has surely been a new way of thinking for me.

Realization of the day: Nothing is worth getting over anxious about. Focus on the positive. See things like it's the first time. Value what you have.

Foghorns and produce

Today I am experiencing the exhuberance of the farmers market in San Francisco. It is lovely to graze through tasting organic hybrids of peaches/plums/nectarines etc. As well and funking tomatos of all flavours and sizes. It is down by the ferry building on a pier. Being by the water always reminds me of fog horns. This Saturday is remarkably lovely with bright vibrant sun kissing and scorching all around. Yet I still think of fog horns. You may think of fog as one of the nasty side affects of San Francisco's geography but I love it. I feel so calm in hearing the horns call sailors to where to enter into the bay. I guess it is like one's love for their mother, it is just unexplainable.

Anyway, I have tasted chocolate, cheese, nuts, dried fruit, etc. I even practiced some Bulgarian with the veteranarian from Stare Zagora in Bulgaria who was quite shocked by this American's geography in 1. hearing of his country, 2. knowing his town and 3. addressing him in his native language. It's good fun knowing the basics of many languages. The young man is working on a farm and selling cheese at the market. Very good cheese at that ;)

I have bought my pimientos de padron and will be happy for the next week or so with them.
