Careful with that alarm clock!
I have been reflecting recently only how Washington DC has changed me. I remember when I first arrived here from Europe to be flabbergasted by the amount of American flags I saw everywhere. I kept thinking to myself, is this because they can't remember what country they are in. Slowly I became indoctrinated into the cult of patriotic fascism, understanding the victims sheep mentality of accepting what would seem to others completely ludicrous. To this day I still don't understand why there have not been more riots towards the Patriot Act. It leads me to think that the new scandal in 30 years will be, "Chemical causing alzheimers found in tap water in the early 2000". Or maybe morphine. You tend to be more passive and accepting when you are less present.
To an outsider the US must seem more foreign than Atlantis. I guess I am a bit in the same as I still do not understand why people listen to these inane color coded corporate hysteria threats. Code Red, code orange, green, Persimmon. I think they should be more fun colors. I had a friend of mine in Paris who wanted to name nail polish colors like fresh dew cream and early autumn apple. In the metro, I get so frustrated hearing them change the threat level as if it were the Dow Jones. They really are about mind control in this country. I was reading the San Francisco press yesterday and it appears many NGOs are taking this rainbow and turning them into action groups. Code Pink is women against the war, Code Blue is something with health care, etc.
Last night on my way to yoga, I barely noted the parade of sirened vehicles screaming down the street. What struck me most after the flags when I first came here, was the plenitude of uniformed entities in this city. I guess the pomp and senselessness of most of the governments work in this city has numbed me to its superfluity. At least most of the time.
On my way to work this morning, I thought for a second that perhaps George Bush had pressed the wrong button on his alarm clock. Instead of snooze, missile 1, 2, and 3 had been pushed forming a pattern of "W" across the sky. I soon saw a big Bush prohibition sign on a cafe on 14th St.

The almighty W is very modest with his missiles
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