Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Bluejays singing my song

On my way to work today, I saw something very strange: a homeless man or a migrant man in front of I think an ethiopian night club with a bag that seemed familiar to me. After passing I realized it was from 10,000 Villages, a NGO/store that sells fairly traded and some organic handicrafts from different sections of the world. I have no idea where he got that bag. It challenged me a bit. Not that someone who looks homeless can't buy something or be for fair trade just it looked a bit off. I wonder if he knew what the bag symbolized?

Later walking to my office I was surprised by two blue jays flying around in someone's front garden. It is nice to know that they hang out in the city as well.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Orlando - adult theme park

Bright buzz from lights in Orlando

So we are in Orlando for a Jamaican wedding. It is a crazy place. We were stuck in traffic trying to get to the wedding and it was down a main drag in the city by restaurants and bars. Orlando is a sprawl nightmare. We went to a club last night and upon parking we got lost trying to find our way out. The parking lot sections are named after Universal Studios creations such as Jurassic Park or Jaws etc, complete with theme music of that film. We couldn't figure out at first if that accessed some type of show down below or whatever. We finally make our way out towards the clubs and found there is essentially a club on the way out of the parking structure. They were blasting dance music in a big open domed area. You could just hang out there and dance. Well you could if you had less inhibitions I suppose. No one was dancing. Police then check our id's to enter the adult theme park with girls with shots looking like syringes. Very strange place, Orlando.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Dios es Amor

God is love

As I was walking outside Whole Foods today, I saw a big pick up truck with tinted windows and the sticker on the front of the car, "Amor es Dios", translated as "love is god, or god is love". It reminds me of my time in Guatemala. I was joking with my election monitor friend Ami from Jutiapa, the southernmost region of Guatemala that isn't even mentioned in my Guidebook how when I would live in Guatemala I would buy a car and have the windows tinted and have my own sticker on the front just because they are very amusing. It is not making fun of one's faith. Although it is important to respect something without taking yourself and something too seriously. It was just more that I thought it would be funny to have a Guatemalan guera or "blond" obviously not from the region, and probably not evangelic girl step out of a rough guerrillamobile. Ami pointed out that the sticker I should use is "Regalito de Dios" meaning "present of God". I want to get that car and write a book called that and my journey driving across the Americas while pushing stereotypes, especially in the US about latinos. I really wanted to park that car in my parents driveway honk the horn and see my parents respond to the car in their driveway. BUT then again, I do like to push buttons, be they stereotypes or just to remind people that they are living and should feel things...My dream is still to have that voyage and challenge some not to judge just on outside appearances.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Crazy people in power and the crazed that elect them

In reading Harper's weekly update I learned that "Senator Bill Frist--a doctor who as a Harvard medical student adopted pound cats as pets, then killed them to practice his surgical technique--diagnosed Terri Schiavo from afar, suggesting that her condition could improve". So, first problem, a doctor with major ethical problems having killed his pets for surgical procedures is deciding major decisions in congress? And he is suggesting a brain dead woman could improve. hmmmm.... possible but I'd prefer hearing that if I were her parents from a non loco doctor.

Monday, March 21, 2005

Lushness of the botanical garden in Washington DC

Sunday, March 20, 2005


Happy Norooz or Persian New Year to all, or happy spring equinox. It is one of my favorite holidays as it is the beginning of rebirth. I will experience it in Iran one day. I know there is some spring cleaning, a lot of dancing and it involves 7 objects beginning with the letter "sinn" in farsi, as well as goldfish which bring good luck although they aren't bred particularily sustainably as it turns out... If you would like to send someone a happy Norooz card, click here...

Saturday, March 19, 2005


Spanish for hangover, not mine... Wouldn't drink that stuff ;)
The day after - as found walking through the Mission in SF. My brother used to drink this stuff. Lethal. He has told me that this makes you feel quite bad the following day.

Friday, March 18, 2005

Mi corazon lata por ti

Translation: my heart beats for you.
Corazon - the accessories of the hubava buka, or beautiful bride in Bulgarian. Heart balloons

Mysterious Bagpiper at 5pm on Friday

I remember the first time I heard the bagpipes calling to me from afar. I guess I have always heard them calling me. It must be part of my Scottish background. Although others will argue it is Brazilian, Jewish or Latina. I guess I am just that a tsiganka, or gypsy in Bulgarian/Russian. Anyway, I never have actually seen the woman who plays them. A real gypsy who has an amazing background that I work with Leonard told me a woman from Ralph Nader's campaign office plays them each Friday. I love hearing them. There is something mystical and alluring about them. Plus they are damn hard to play. And it is fun to think that someone keeps bagpipes at their office. The man who watches the door at our building swings golf clubs during the day and practices his swing. I thank the kind spirits who helped me find this job full for playful energy.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Zucchini flower

Wunder schon! I wish I could be back in the breadths of a beautiful garden in Deutschland. This is a zucchini/courgette flower by the way

On a brighter note

Bush has won his little scheme to drill for oil in an Arctic wildlife preserve. Almost as sadly comical as the Equatorian government trying to drill in indigenous owned rainforest to pay off their external debt to the IMF that they have paid off several times before. Interest does kill you financially...Pachamama, an San Francisco based NGO that I respect deeply does a lot of great work on this.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

It's the end of the world as we know it

Do you remember that great song by REM. It's been awhile since I heard it but I still enjoy it. It came to mind upon reading of Wolfovitz being nominated by the fascist cowboy as World Bank president. I mean the World Bank was actually starting to get a reasonably not SO horrid reputation after Stieglitz had been lashing out and saying some fun things to the IMF. A good book written by Ha-Joon Chang called Kicking away the Ladder discusses how colonizing countries promote economic policies that they themselves did not use in order to reach the economic level they are at. Policies that the IMF and the world bank hold their nose at such as protectionism and keeping utilities public is how the US among other "western" countries got to the level they are at now.

Anyway, It is appalling to think that this hawk is going to lead the "international" organization of the World Bank. There was a very interesting comment sent to me this morning by an NGO called 50 years is not enough:

"The Bright Side"

"If Wolfowitz does become President of the World Bank, it could
have some positive effects. Soren Ambrose, Senior Policy Analyst with
the 50 Years Is Enough Network noted, "If confirm, we would no longer
have to work so hard to convince people that the World Bank is an
instrument of U.S. foreign and economic policy. Wolfowitz has no
experience in development, just a fierce ideological dedication to
hard-core neo-liberal economics and U.S. domination. With Wolfowitz in
place, the Bank's masterful spinners of noble rhetoric will be unable
persuade anyone that the institution is really working for the benefit
of the poor. We'll finally be able to use the word 'imperialism' about
Bank policy without raising eyebrows."

"In other words," said Ambrose, "between exposing the true
dangers of the lack of democracy at the World Bank and putting the most
visible symbol of U.S. imperialism in the most prominent position in
international development, President Bush will accomplish more in
de-legitimizing the World Bank than any other single action ever

- Soren Ambrose, Senior Policy Analyst with the 50 Years Is Enough Network

Taiwan to fine pregnant women for smoking - AFP

This is a surprising new law that seems to just have passed in Taiwan. Somewhat along the lines of firing smokers at companies. Not sure if I agree with the tactics but the end result is good. But then again, where do you draw the line for civil liberties. I guess i would have to see their position on abortion before I form an opinion. Bush after all is trying to reverse Roe vs. Wade, the case that legalized abortions. However abortions don't kill those around you as well so it is different as well. All the same, it will be interesting to see end result. Bhutan by the same has banned tobacco consumption entirely in their country.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

TAIPEI (AFP) - Taiwan will fine pregnant women for smoking in a bid to ensure healthier babies and curb the number of female smokers which is on the rise, health officials said.

"Smoking is a leading cause for miscarriage, still births and premature births and female smokers should be aware of the health risks," said Yu Po-tsun, an official at the Bureau of Health Promotion.

According to a draft revision of the "Tobacco Hazards Act," women will face a maximum fine of 10,000 Taiwan dollars (325 US) for smoking during pregnancy.

But the fines will be waived if pregnant smokers attend courses to help them quit the habit.

"More women are smoking now and we hope the law will help promote anti-smoking awareness," Yu said, adding that the number of female smokers in Taiwan was estimated at 500,000 in 2004.

Under the Children's Welfare Law retailers face fines of up to 50,000 dollars for selling cigarettes to pregnant women and laws expanding the penalties to pregnant women will soon be submitted to parliament for approval.

Additional coverage:

Tobacco ban to be extended to protect pregnancy - China Post

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Mother and child

As I was waiting for the bus today I saw a woman crouching next to a big block and cradling a 2 year child. I then saw a cigarette in her hand. I usually try to be diplomatic in this situation however, I couldn't just let it slip by and so I mentioned that secondhand smoke is one of the major causes of asthma in children. She responded with, "It isn't blowing on him". Let's say she is right, it still affects him and chances are she does it in the same room on a usual basis. I tried at least. I know all the statistics of mothers smoking around their kids but it always hurts more when you see it. It causes respiratory infections, sudden infant death syndrome and birth defects, as well as stillborns in case anyone is interested.

Saturday, March 12, 2005


I meant to post this picture after the wedding of Dani, however, I did not. So in the amazingly ironic Stuttgart trainstation that is rauchfrei, or smoke free that has smoking stations and huge Dunhill tobacco advertisements, it also appears to be the center of buying Dental equipment. Yes, you heard right. Hey, i need one of those horrible scraping things for the train ride. Sure, stop by the dental object stand just in the shopping area there. It is by far one of the strangest shopping merchardise I have seen in a train station before. I will have to keep my eyes open when I travel to Asia. I am sure it is much more crazy there. They must of thought I was crazy to be taking all those photos. It's funny but Dani, who has lived there for a bit, never noticed it. Sometimes it takes an outside eye to notice the zany. Looking forward to seeing the silly dental assistants on return to Stuttgart. Tchus!

Dental equipment at Stuttgart train station

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

McDonalds has decided to change its stripes to yoga, meditation, salads and marketing in Spanish in Washington, D.C. translation: "I am concentrating, I am balanced and I am hungry."

Sunday, March 06, 2005

Lenin and Saudade

Looking for interesting quotes about saudade, fond longing for the past, I came across this interesting musician and has some great viewpoints on why certain areas like world music, "It's like, did you know that Japan and Germany are among the biggest markets for 'world music?' Why do you think that is?'' It was a rhetorical question, he answered it himself: ''Post-war guilt. And where was reggae most accepted? England of course. Why? Post-colonial guilt. Just like African music in France. And former slavemasters love the blues. The guilt is all mixed up with condescension. Condescension is always a clear consequence of guilt. One produces the other." [Mike Zwerin's webpage]

Thursday, March 03, 2005

La cucaracha ya no puede comer

I learned today from Tom Parker's the Rule of Thumb that 12 cockroaches can survive on the glue from a postage stamp for food. How's that for a fast...