Tsiganka sueños
Travelling and random thoughts of beauty
Saturday, June 19, 2004
Friday, June 18, 2004
McDonalds as a Middle Class Restaurant
As always parties at my house, which will soon be someone else's as I move in with my beloved, are always interesting and avoiding the usual DC thoroughfare of so what do you do, where are you from etc. The discussion items of the party focused on the role of corporate food chains as a status symbol in developing countries, as well as the wastefulness of Halliburton in destroying/rebuilding Iraq, in addition to media misleading individuals. I know that Dominos, Taco Hell, Burger King among others are overseas as well but none of them are as repugnant as McDonalds. As I learn more about the tobacco industry overseas and their methods of appealing to healthy clients, I see they are attracting clients by selling freedom, opportunity and a higher class through buying cigarettes. Images of New York are being used to sell tobacco. McDonalds does similar things in establishing chains overseas. I believe most people go for status and showing off purposes than food quality. In China for example, it is only affordable by those terribly well off. The same will surely be true in any country with 95% of their population barely able to eat due to high farm subsidies by the US, making farmers from foreign countries needing to sell off their entire crop just to buy medicine for school supplies for their children. In essence, individuals are no longer self-sufficient due to the attempt by America to control all.
The very existence of McDonalds is a way for foreign elites to encourage more development in their country trying to prove how stable their economy is that McDonalds is there. There is even Taco Bells in Latin America. It is unfathomable to me why someone may want to eat such garbage when next door their is a more authentic and perhaps healthier alternative.
One of the sick ways, McDonalds is appealing to kids is through challenging them to get more toys from Happy Meals than their siblings. To get more toys you need to start the process of supersizing yourself and digging you own grave.
Thursday, June 17, 2004
Race relations and cat calls
As I prepare to leave my house and this city for a short expedition to attempt to leave loose ends tied as I am required which for me is ridiculously difficult. I always am in contact with people and able to respond quickly. So for me it will be a challenge.
I was walking through my neighborhood which is Latino, part project and some gentle gentrification in a suit with heels. Many latinos were comparing me to pastries and cakes as I passed by with heavy groceries in my arms. When I got closer to my house I passed by some urban professional types like myself and they smiled at me. I wonder why they smiled at me. Was it because I am a pretty girl? carrying groceries and they wanted to express solidarity as they have done that as well? because I am the same color as them? Race relations in my neighborhood for me is very good and I don't usually look at it too much but yesterday for some reason it became more clear. As I was rushing to the bus once through the back alley where the rental car I parked got a ticket a few days ago, this young man said, come here white girl! First of all, I'm not a girl or someone who can be swayed as such. He made me feel a bit like a doll and I'm substantially over the age of being a 14 year old girl.
I generally try to smile and interact with all walks of life in this neighborhood in so much they are not crazy or will think that I am interested in them. Unfortunately men sometimes confuse solidarity with sexual interest.
Sunday, June 13, 2004
Finding yourself through your mate
I'm beginning to think I should become a relationship counselor. Seeing some of my friends date 3 or 4 friends of mine and counseling them through their experiences make me both excited for their encounters as well as happy that I am in love and not needing to deal with that sort of ridicule from the preferred sex. It is interesting to see how partners complete the other or just do not work together and guess on a relationships longevity. Some singles might say I'm just too bored because I am not dating. It is very definately not the case in my eyes. I have heard so many lies and run arounds from people I almost like to call men I am not interested in on it. Like if someone is to say, you have the most beautiful eyes, (even though it may be true), I am very prone to say to those I am not interested in but am more keen on poking them with a fork and seeing how they respond: how many girls do you say that to a day, or do you practice that on your dog? Some of my friends actually live to see me interact with those types just for the pure comical element. I mean, it is so interesting to see men try and if I care about their mental state, I'll try not to be too blunt but sometimes it is fun to play with their "game".
As I watch some of my friends try to find their significant other, I find it interesting to see peoples interactions. This is perhaps why I enjoy dating reality shows sometimes. Often times people do not seem to corelate compatibility with interesting backgrounds. Someone who may seem interesting and perfect on paper perhaps isn't the best sidekick per se. Some are not willing to recognize this. I often suggest to people that they look for themselves and then they will find the perfect orange half as they say in Spanish. I have spent so much time psychoanalyzing boys and girls on behalf of my adult Darwinistic dating friends it makes me happy that my own orange half understands me so well and me him. Fun is important but compatibility and tolerance is another.
There are so many interesting people out there deluding themselves that the person they are with could be the one, or if not, well... it's passing the time well. Perhaps I have just grown up some how faster than others I know but I somehow see others relationships in perspective. I sometimes see club as being depressing places because their are so many lost people looking for something that they don't know where to find it. I know just have fun watching mating rituals. I guess it depends on my mood. Either way it is anthropological study and furthering my independent career as a relationship counselor. So those who are reading: you need advice, you know where to come. Happy hunting campers!
Friday, June 11, 2004
World War III on Irving St.
So apparently while I was away planning tsiganka's travels, world war three broke out at my house with the housemate who had always left bob marley clouds in the hallway being ejected from house and another housemate leaving because of her interaction with the other housemate. Crazy how this emerges out of nowhere.
Thursday, June 10, 2004
Dreaming of the Black Sea
As the days get longer and the weather warmer, I have been thinking about Bulgaria and Daniella, as her birthday was a few days ago. I remember walking through the streets and playing the deciphering game of what street are we on,with Dani's help reading Cyrillic. When I got to the Sofia, my first encounter was with the airport security person chain smoking in his office, as my bags were lost for the 42 thousand time.
Good rule of thumb to follow. Do NOT take connecting flights. Dani was terribly distraught coming from a diplomatic perspective, however I was unstirred as the world traveler that I am, having my bags lost in many different countries by now. When I first arrived there I felt a bit uncertain but as the weeks went along I began to feel quite comfortable in the city. Another good rule of thumb to follow with taxis: Do NOT get in a taxi (when you have the choice obviously) when the man driving has bigger muscles then your legs perhaps. Just in case you start to argue about prices if the meter is rigged to overcharge you. Anyway, I suppose it sounds like I don't like Bulgaria which is so far from the truth. I long to go back and pick fresh plums and carry about 2 kilos of them freshly fallen through the tramways etc.
The Black Sea is also a delight, as long as there are few Ukrainian tourist shouting about. The sea weed floating about in the waves and the sweet crispness of the water. However, the most delightful part are the gypsies carrying the coolers around offering ice cream, bread or corn while they check out the topless girls and comment on their bodies with the life guard. Fun for all really. :)
As I was leaving Bulgaria, I came to conclusion that it is the country of lovers as the moon and Venus are always together high up in the sky.
Anyway, I will recount more later. As for the picture below, it is Rila Monastery in the mountains and it is truly spectacular. The steep mountains in the back is where my crazy skiing phenomenon friend, Nasko, makes his own ski resort.

Rila Monastery
Wednesday, June 09, 2004
Things not to do at Lago Atitlan

La famosa arco-iris y su compañera la reina de Jutiapa, Karla y Ami en el Lago Atitlan.

La felicidad está en Cristo. Translated to: Happiness is in Christ. One of the calcomanias in Guatemala of the evangelist perspective. As seen on a ferry boat going to Santiago Atitlan.

In case you ever had any doubt about what you could do here, this sign explains it explicitly...It translates to: it is prohibited to cut, pull the flowers, climb up, sit on the banister. If you (informal) do this, you (formal) will have problems. This sign is brilliant and overlooking the beautiful Lake Atitlan which never quite looks the same twice.
Tuesday, June 08, 2004
Sadism in the US Military
As I was reading Harper's Weekly Digest, I learned that there are these sadistic torture devices that are "non-lethal" ray gun firing millimeter-wave electromagnetic energy, which penetrates the skin instantly heating water molecules to 130 degrees, The Pentagon has denied that this may be used as a torture device. Regardless of how it is being used, the fact that this exists and potentially could be used in such a way is horrific. What sort of person thinks up this sort of device?
"No one has been able to stand the pain caused by the weapon, known as the "Active Denial System," for more than 3 seconds. The acting high commissioner for human rights said that the American abuses of Iraqi prisoners might qualify as war crimes."
To check out Harper's most recent week review at a later date.
Malaria medecine revisited
I just got off the phone with Michael, my co-leader for going to Guatemala and I think it is safe to say adventure surely lies ahead. We are bringing 7 high schoolers, gringos completos to Guatemala with no Spanish. Oh what fun it is to ride on a one horse open sleigh, hey! So we will be soon saddling up and preparing to inspire them and open their minds to a new type of reality. This time, I will be needing a mosquito net...
Sounds fun, right? not so much the mosquitos but everything else will. It is a good thing Malaria medecine will be given to me tomorrow.
It is hot today so I made Gazpacho to be a good energy source.
Colombian baby 'stolen from womb'
This is by far the most disturbing piece of news I have heard in awhile and I have a rather high tolerance for strange occurrences. How desperate would one person be for money to physically take out a baby from a women by force? Why not just kidnap the woman? Because newborns are a hotter commodity? I have heard of ravaging individuals for organs but taking newborns this way. I feel shudders at just thinking about this.
BBC NEWS | World | Americas | Colombian baby 'stolen from womb'
Tell me lies
I am on hold with my medical services provider right now, Kaiser. I have been jumping through hoops for the last 2 months trying to get appointments. It is driving me crazy. Their system is SO bureaucratic, I am terribly surprised they still have patients and are profitable in any way. The song playing while I wait on hold is "tell me lies". It is very appropriate for their past actions. ;)
Monday, June 07, 2004
Sunday, June 06, 2004
Mudalicious and wine galore
I went to the "Vintage Virginia" wine festival today out on a farm west of Washington DC. You may think Virginia and wine don't groove on the same wave length, but try again. There is a substantial amount of great wine being produced there. Once we arrived at the farm, I remembered my allergy to livestock and general aversion to mud, well at least when not considering mud will be around. There was so much mud, it almost made the event a safety hazard. I mean consider it: many tipsy people, puddles of mud. Amazingly, I did not see anyone fall over although my trousers and others do look like the the two were having a love affair. Just to let those of you who thought the cicada phenomenon had subsided, Think again. They are buzzing full force near Front Royal, VA. I actually had to dodge several of them as they tried to kamikaze into my shirt.
So, the wine was interesting. Some of the reds reminded me of a drinking too much Basque cider and having a strange aftertaste. Yet there were some great fruit wines, whites and sparkling ones. The most surprising was finding a winery called Horton Cellars, producing a Georgian grape white wine here in the US called Rkatsiteli. As my beloved is Georgian, it was very interesting. Although, neither he nor I thought too much of the taste. I'll write more about the wine festival. I need to sleep...
Saturday, June 05, 2004
Yes, we are being watched

Surveillance Cameras at Union Station in Washington D.C. Taken by Cédric Laurant.
A friend of mine who works with electronic privacy law did an exhibit on surveillance with the security cameras around Washington D.C. I wonder where all the bugs and microphones would be then...
Friday, June 04, 2004
Crazy in Colorado
I read the news today...About a lucky man who made the grade...He blew his mind out in a car...He didn't notice that the lights had changed. For some reason, these words from the Beatles, Day in the Life, come to mind when thinking about the news from today. I have been hearing about the poor young soul who has taken sprawl, globalization and terror to the US in Colorado. I could not believe it when I heard it, however, this man decided to take things into his own hands regarding zoning. He couldn't take it anymore and loaded up his bulldozer with armor and started razing buildings. It sounded somewhat like he had been taking lessons from the news himself with the Israelis in some parts of Palestine/Israel. Anyway he found himself holed up somewhere in the armored bulldozer with his demands and kiled himself today, I believe. Check out the Colorado version and shortened international copy of the story.
On a lighter note, there are these websites for online dating catered to Muslims which allows finding a suitable spouse while not going against the no-dating principle.
Wednesday, June 02, 2004
Supersize me
Last week I went to the doctor for my annual physical. She pointed out that my cholesterol and blood pressure were so amazingly low, I would not need a job, as would my future husband for many many lives...Novel concept: how do you sell these commodities?
Perhaps I should write a book. Low blood pressure and cholesterol quicker than you can say supersize me in Japanese! I was thinking to myself. It really is not hard to be healthy if you have an aversion towards processed foods. Just do exercise and eat only things you could grow yourself!
Is this genetic or do I just eat more healthier than others. I stopped to think about America's diet and how the average person eats, asking everyone I know what their coworkers eat. My diet and friends diet is hardly exemplary for this study as I do not eat processed foods or sugar. Shortly after my birthday this year I took a Picasso-esque approach to food, deconstructing everything and readmitting wheat, caffeine, chocolate, dairy, sugar into the diet slowly. I just learned that junk food, sugary drinks and beer make up nearly one-third of the calories adult Americans consume daily. Apparently the results would be worse if we were looking at teenagers. I feel cardiac arrest coming on just thinking about eating that sort of nutrient deficient stuff every day...
If you can handle it, here is something even more disturbing. I am very interested in seeing Super-size me, as it looking at the "Fast-food Nation" on film. To give you a little glimpse into middle america check out the trailer. Quick Time is needed to view it. The basic premise of the film is that the director, Morgan Spurlock could eat only McDonald's for an entire month with three simple rules:
1) No options: he could only eat what was available over the counter (water included!)
2) No supersizing unless offered
3) No excuses: he had to eat every item on the menu at least once
Obviously, this sounds disturbing. It won lots of awards so if you dare, take a walk on the supersized size of America.