The power of thought
Masaru Emoto's photos of water entitled "Thank you".
For those of you who are skeptics, I would like to draw your attention to the scientist Masaru Emoto who somehow got it in his head to take pictures of frozen water crystals. He would paste a word to the bottle, let it sit for at least 6 hours and then take pictures of the image that emerged from the water particles. They change shapes and composition depending on the word that is pasted to them. He would also play music to the water and the composition of the atoms would change after hearing the music. Sounds wacky but it has been excruciatingly documented.
As a contrast, I offer Masaru's photo of water that has been exposed to horrible thoughts:
Masaru Emoto's photo of water after being exposed to message, "You make me sick. I will kill you."
So, as we are around 99% water, try to think kind thoughts about yourselves, it may go further than you think...
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