Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Lucky Duck

On Sunday afternoon I was on what was supposed to be a short walk in Rock Creek Park in Washington, DC with some friends. As that was the case I opted to go not sporty coat BUT purseless to be practical. As much as I had the intuition or thought that something could fall out of my pockets, I did not dream it would really happen. We are trekking down these steep hills that are not trails and walked on this rotting old street which had been closed down which is the origin of the bumper stickers, I have seen for the last 3 years, "Save Klingle Road". As I have seen Klingle road on the bus, I was wondering what they meant. There is this one section of the road which is indeed a waterfall, no joke, there is water streaming down it. The road definitely needs to be saved. Anyway, back to why I am so lucky. After we turn around and come back through the zoo and we are close to my friend, Emily's house. I discover my cell phone is indeed not in my pocket. It had fallen somewhere in the infinite amount of trees in the forest, by any of the possible things we had climbed over or trekked down. After trying to call it, we realize the phone has died as well. Sounds pretty dismal, no?

But No!, my dear Friend. I look at some fortune cookies we had bought at the Fortune Cookie Museum in San Francisco, telling me that my grace encourages others. I decided, I'll give us a 1/2 hour of trekking to find it. After going down two of the hills pushing around our feet, I stop and look to my right, any my mobile phone is there, uncovered just staring back at me. I was in total shock! Now that is pure luck!


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