In the course of one minute I managed to feel both ethnic solidarity followed by gentrified warm heartedness. It might not seem like the two go together or even follow. I am not even explaining it particularly well. I do like to make you think. I believe in the cosmic karmic connection of passing along a bus transfer. In the United States (generally, I am generalizing perhaps), that is in many cities a transfer is issued upon paying the fare. I love getting transfers because you can travel perhaps up to round trip if the driver is generous and in turn you can give the favor to someone else. I remember distinctly the first time someone tried to give me a transfer. Tsiganka with all of her ego thought the Latino man was trying to hit on her or sell it to her. Classic example of miscommunication through mentally assuming what was going to happen on the action itself. Very bad on my part. The second time, it was such a sweet surprise in the winter as I was struggling for change. With the stroke of a grayish piece of paper, so much relaxation comes. $1.25 is a trivial sum for most people either of the rich or poor of this country. It is not so meager for some and quit the contrary so upon being offered this paper, it is automatically money that can be used elsewhere which may decide between someone's dinner later. Yes, I am overdramatizing however it could be the case.
Offering a transfer to someone is not so much about the financial element as so much as the cosmic selfless solidarity of your connection to the other individual. It is the thought that you want to help another individual. Once the experience has been offered to you, be kind and keep the karma dancing on its way.
Back to my first story, upon reaching my house the group of black individuals that sit and the park and always greet you regardless of your ego complex were there as always. I unexpectedly to them offered them my transfer, they were perhaps taken aback by understanding its value. The group, and one woman in particular thanked me profusely. If it is a ride or neighborly understanding, all is good. On reaching the corner, a police car, probably watching the first group (as it is now a drug free zone) greeted me friendly and asked me how I was. In responding and asking the same question to him I asked myself, would it be the same if I was a different color? Or is the molehill being turned into a mountain.
The night before last the cosmos came calling again. After swimming, I realized the woman who I had been swimming with works with a partner organization of mine and also started
Smokefree DC. I later was once again trying to pawn off my bus transfer and pass on the energy to some other unsuspecting soul. After insisting to cross the street to try to give it to someone going a longer distance than the way we were walking (the bus route is longer in other direction, increasing the value of the transfer), the bike that was heading towards me was Max, the friend that I was in Guatemala with. I guess my red cat hat caught his attention, as did the woman passing who said that it brought a smile to her face. I convinced her to take the bus transfer and give it to someone at Safeway (a supermarket chain that sometimes abuses labor rights (just a side note not judgment) ). So the seductive element of solidarity inspired chance lives on.