Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Starbuck Island

So in my wonderful virtual journey into the country of Kiribati, I discovered Starbuck Island, much to my chagrin, thinking Starbucks had bought itself a little abode in the South Pacific. I had heard of Micronesia before, but apparently Melenesia is that part closer to Australia. One of the perks of working in global issues is that you get to read about far off countries, that even I haven't heard of previously like Palau, Vanuatu, Nauru, Tuvalu, etc. All of them by the way are in the South Pacific, close to Fiji and Tonga.

Anyway, the island has nothing to do with Starbucks. It just seemed uncanny that the name was the same. Apparently the name for the horrible coffee chain comes from Moby Dick. Starbuck the island is named after the captain who discovered it. Both the fictional first mate and the real captain came from Nantucket, where Starbuck was not uncommon family name in the 19th century.

Kiribati itself is across the equator and seems like a conglomerate of small islands all spread out. Crazy!

As for the Micronesia or Melenesia, I am sold! Let's go!

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Thankful things

I was contemplating the question of being thankful the other day and realized that I was very thankful I would not have to endure Dulles airport (Washington DC) or for that matter any airport today or tomorrow as it will have elements of malicious mass chaos. See previous entries on airport security. Not having to eat canned soup is also up there on the list as well as being able to see the light side of the dark situation.

Cooking for Convenience?

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Sonic flotation devices

I had acupuncture done on Friday and it was amazing. It was not just acupuncture but they also used traditional Chinese healing with heated blue suction cups which pinch a bit at first and scary because you can't move but then you realize they are playful as puppies and will fall off at their own will.

As I was lying there with the baby thin needles I felt like I was floating with layers of living dreams that all seem strangely familiar. I was conscious but disorientated thinking that I was on my bed. It reminded me after leaving burning man and realizing that I didn't have to duck as I was not in a tent any more. I remember that as the needle went into my rhomboid (middle back) which has been hurting a lot recenlty, it tickled and hurt at the same time. You could see that I have a lot of tension there. At one point I attempted to move my foot and felt pain, perhaps because I was moving the needle? Those suction cups I mentioned leave big bruises depending on how much negative energy that it is drawing out of you. Overall acupuncture made me very relaxed, a bit giddy and very happy.

Monday, November 22, 2004

Playful Alsatian balloons

Chasing balloon dreams


Saturday, November 20, 2004

Ujoli - Solidarity

It is very interesting what comes up in a google search. In trying to find an adjective of this lovely word, several surprising entries come up. The Polish trade union was more or less an expected visitor, however, materials from the state department on "fostering" solidarity was not. When it comes under their page it seems to take on a bitter note unfortunately. My favorite surprise entry is from the English-Swahili dictionary. It must be a very important word to come up in the first 1o entries of a google search. How's that for food for thought?

Friday, November 19, 2004

Shall we dance?

Dancing royalty

Thursday, November 18, 2004

The power of a bus transfer

In the course of one minute I managed to feel both ethnic solidarity followed by gentrified warm heartedness. It might not seem like the two go together or even follow. I am not even explaining it particularly well. I do like to make you think. I believe in the cosmic karmic connection of passing along a bus transfer. In the United States (generally, I am generalizing perhaps), that is in many cities a transfer is issued upon paying the fare. I love getting transfers because you can travel perhaps up to round trip if the driver is generous and in turn you can give the favor to someone else. I remember distinctly the first time someone tried to give me a transfer. Tsiganka with all of her ego thought the Latino man was trying to hit on her or sell it to her. Classic example of miscommunication through mentally assuming what was going to happen on the action itself. Very bad on my part. The second time, it was such a sweet surprise in the winter as I was struggling for change. With the stroke of a grayish piece of paper, so much relaxation comes. $1.25 is a trivial sum for most people either of the rich or poor of this country. It is not so meager for some and quit the contrary so upon being offered this paper, it is automatically money that can be used elsewhere which may decide between someone's dinner later. Yes, I am overdramatizing however it could be the case.

Offering a transfer to someone is not so much about the financial element as so much as the cosmic selfless solidarity of your connection to the other individual. It is the thought that you want to help another individual. Once the experience has been offered to you, be kind and keep the karma dancing on its way.

Back to my first story, upon reaching my house the group of black individuals that sit and the park and always greet you regardless of your ego complex were there as always. I unexpectedly to them offered them my transfer, they were perhaps taken aback by understanding its value. The group, and one woman in particular thanked me profusely. If it is a ride or neighborly understanding, all is good. On reaching the corner, a police car, probably watching the first group (as it is now a drug free zone) greeted me friendly and asked me how I was. In responding and asking the same question to him I asked myself, would it be the same if I was a different color? Or is the molehill being turned into a mountain.

The night before last the cosmos came calling again. After swimming, I realized the woman who I had been swimming with works with a partner organization of mine and also started Smokefree DC. I later was once again trying to pawn off my bus transfer and pass on the energy to some other unsuspecting soul. After insisting to cross the street to try to give it to someone going a longer distance than the way we were walking (the bus route is longer in other direction, increasing the value of the transfer), the bike that was heading towards me was Max, the friend that I was in Guatemala with. I guess my red cat hat caught his attention, as did the woman passing who said that it brought a smile to her face. I convinced her to take the bus transfer and give it to someone at Safeway (a supermarket chain that sometimes abuses labor rights (just a side note not judgment) ). So the seductive element of solidarity inspired chance lives on.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004


Night lights

night lights

Monday, November 15, 2004

Psychadelic Field Trip

See! even schoolbuses hallucinate as well!

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Take away

Take away - vietnamese style

Friday, November 12, 2004

Bush without the cameras

Just let your true colors show

Artomatic inspires the artist in all of us

the almight lens reveals all

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Careful with that alarm clock!

I have been reflecting recently only how Washington DC has changed me. I remember when I first arrived here from Europe to be flabbergasted by the amount of American flags I saw everywhere. I kept thinking to myself, is this because they can't remember what country they are in. Slowly I became indoctrinated into the cult of patriotic fascism, understanding the victims sheep mentality of accepting what would seem to others completely ludicrous. To this day I still don't understand why there have not been more riots towards the Patriot Act. It leads me to think that the new scandal in 30 years will be, "Chemical causing alzheimers found in tap water in the early 2000". Or maybe morphine. You tend to be more passive and accepting when you are less present.

To an outsider the US must seem more foreign than Atlantis. I guess I am a bit in the same as I still do not understand why people listen to these inane color coded corporate hysteria threats. Code Red, code orange, green, Persimmon. I think they should be more fun colors. I had a friend of mine in Paris who wanted to name nail polish colors like fresh dew cream and early autumn apple. In the metro, I get so frustrated hearing them change the threat level as if it were the Dow Jones. They really are about mind control in this country. I was reading the San Francisco press yesterday and it appears many NGOs are taking this rainbow and turning them into action groups. Code Pink is women against the war, Code Blue is something with health care, etc.

Last night on my way to yoga, I barely noted the parade of sirened vehicles screaming down the street. What struck me most after the flags when I first came here, was the plenitude of uniformed entities in this city. I guess the pomp and senselessness of most of the governments work in this city has numbed me to its superfluity. At least most of the time.

On my way to work this morning, I thought for a second that perhaps George Bush had pressed the wrong button on his alarm clock. Instead of snooze, missile 1, 2, and 3 had been pushed forming a pattern of "W" across the sky. I soon saw a big Bush prohibition sign on a cafe on 14th St.

The almighty W is very modest with his missiles

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Giving smokers a purpose in life

As I was walking to my swim practice last night, I passed by a smoker. As I am always cautious when walking at night, I caught myself passing judgment about the man, that with regards to predatory attacks, he was harmless as he was just smoking. Granted, he is harming others and himself in other ways, I found it interesting that I seemed to find him not a threat because he was smoking. It is sad that society teaches us to think that people who wander or walk around pensively are loners, lunatics, homeless or otherwise not as valid as smokers who are fulfilling their addiction. This neurosis of smoking has become so normalized. It is an addiction worse than heroin, up there with morphine, opium, crack. Why is it that society accepts the smokers listlessly roaming the streets in meditation but the crack addict will rob you to get more crack. Haven't those people ever seen crazed smokers attempt to get their fix. I have seen unathletic, asthmatic smokers run quasi marathons in attempt to get nicotine in the shortest amount of time. If I ever needed to be saved by a smokers, it would be better to say I have tobacco rather than HELP!

It is strange in this society of arrogance that stressing one's humility and presence as a "victim" to their addiction, that smokers are tolerated. I guess the plain old burning and pillaging one's way to assert their rights doesn't work any more.

It will be a happy day when the philosophizers and thinkers will be thought of as harmless when wandering the streets as opposed to needing to have an accessory like a cigarette or a dog to enjoy the fresh air.

Monday, November 08, 2004

Corporate religions - have you worshipped today?

Truthful advertising

The ghosts of television

Exxon, holier than thou

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Soy hyper!

This title makes sense in two ways: in Spanish and English. In Spanish: Yes, I AM hyper and two, in English: hyper on roasted soy. You wouldn't think that is possible. It comes somewhat slow at first and out of nowhere you find yourself singing and shouting and doing jumping jacks saying silly things. I think I was singing a broccoli song that I was making up. Yes, it is indeed powerful stuff. Vova bought me Rocamojo, this roasted soy alternative to coffee, Roca Mojo, that has 13 grams of protein and 23% of daily fiber intake in each glass. Forget coffee, this stuff drives a much higher high, although it is the first time so perhaps that is it. In any case, it made me forget the fact I am losing in dominos to Vova at the moment and make me seriously giddy. I was going to have decaf chai now but we decided a nice vaccine to the roasted soy drink would be relaxing lavender and camomile. Spirulina, on a side note also drives a strong rocket to blast you out of bed in morning. Although, grapefruit essential oil would wake me out of a deep deep sleep.

The great things about altered states are that they make you numb in some sense. Either laughing, giddy or just not entirely in this world. Whether it be sleep deprivation, food deprivation, caffeine, alcohol or other drugs...

Friday, November 05, 2004

Serenity by the bay

Reflections of art

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Secession or Apocalypse?

The end is near, I fear. The end is always near I suppose, the end of something that is as everything is always changing. Unfortunately the end of Bush does not seem so near. Democracy is indeed dead and died perhaps on or a bit before of the Day of the Dead. Apparently machines in Texas were changing peoples' votes to Republican. NO JOKE. In an email sent to me from Bill Moyers it stated:

Yesterday a friend voted early at a polling location in Austin. She voted straight Democratic. When she did the final check, lo and behold every vote was for the Democratic candidates except that it showed she had voted for Bush/Cheney for president/vice pres.

She immediately got a poll official. On her vote, it was corrected. She called the Travis County Democratic headquarters. They took all her information, and told her that she wasn't the first to report a similar incident and that they are looking into it.>

As the vote was so close, it pains me to see Bush as the renewed elected official of this country. Knowing that he cheated makes me furious. All the Republicans were trying to get Kerry to concede early so there could be no disputes afterwards as they KNEW they had cheated. Mail Ballots disappearing in Florida. International absentee ballots not being counted. For more on 2004 election corruption see link.

As a San Franciscan feeling the same in common with farmers from Nebraska and farmers from Indonesia or Peru, I constantly ask myself, why we have to be ruled by the president. Why can't California secede? Having studied nationalism, I understand what those words mean but the US would lose a lot of money and power without California. It would kick Canada out of the G7. Europe would definitely surpass the US in wealth. California should start negotiating more power out from the US. In the free newspaper here, the musician Moby asked himself the same thing. If we called the north-east, northeast stan and pacific stan. In Washington DC as well, over 90% of the population want Bush to be banished from here. Why does he have to be stationed where he is so disliked?

As a result of his gloating fans, I was waiting over 30 minutes for a bus due to caterers and trucks blocking off the downtown area. Two metro cars collided yesterday in a station. It seems like indeed the transportation is protesting as well.

Smirky Bush said that he was going to work for Democrat's trust? How does he plan to do that? Electric chairs of brainwashing for the populace? Lying? Cheating? Withoug stopping to pursue his own personal interest, he will never be taken seriously. We are beginning to have a dynasty here. Revolt may be needed in Jeb Bush, current governor of Florida and cheater on 2000 elections tries to run in 2008. At least the president’s curse is still in play, meaning that Bush will either be injured or die during this term. Let's just hope the shooter doesn't discriminate and takes Cheney as well. The only thing worse than four more years of Bush is any time with Cheney calling the shots.

I feel very sad in thinking what will happen to the rest of the world due to some ignorant/brainwashed farmers across the country. They will learn I guess via shock therapy.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Injured democracy

Democracy and Demons in the USA on the Day of the dead

Dancing with ghosts

Day of the Dead Parade in San Francisco

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Elections: Day of the Dead?

As I wait for tonight's carnaval of skeletons celebrating life and death, I can't help but think of our own imminent mortality. The Washington Post was asking earlier this week, what if he wins? I couldn't even fathom four more years with Bush. Harpers is running a lovely article on escape routes and how to renounce your citizenship if he does.

I am proud to have voted today. Apparently my neighborhood had over a 60% turnout rate. I found it ironic as I brought my Georgian love into the Armenian church which was where my polling center was. I am anxious yet dreading to see the results of the election. Ralph Nader, an amazing consumer rights activist and colleague at work says the choice is between Cancer and Heart Disease, which is indeed true. However, which way to die is the choice. I'd prefer having Nader but that will be a long time before Kansas votes green. Republicans manipulate the vote too much.

The Day of the Dead parade is always a beautiful ceremony, playful yet respectful. Although its origin is from Central America, many gringos (Americans) have taken it on as well, dressing up as skeletons, playing drums etc.

When I found out election day and the day of the dead ceremony were to be the same I was very suspicious, which makes me more itchy to see the results of the election. The curse of the presidents still holds. Will Bush be taken out today? Or is it the people who will be taken? or perhaps democracy itself?

It is time to dance with the dead.