Thursday, April 21, 2005

The crisp sweetness of spring

Cherry blossoms

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Red White and Dollar sign?

Patriotism or Branding through the flag?

While in Orlando Florida for a Jamaican wedding, we happened upon this taxi. I mean, it really wasn't clear who this guy supported... There are a lot of "W" bumper stickers down there. Really feel like putting a X through them sometimes. But that would be vandalism, much worse than corruption and vote fraud. Notice that he also supports Big tobacco as exemplified with cigarette dangling from hand...

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

The power of thought

Masaru Emoto's photos of water entitled "Thank you".

For those of you who are skeptics, I would like to draw your attention to the scientist Masaru Emoto who somehow got it in his head to take pictures of frozen water crystals. He would paste a word to the bottle, let it sit for at least 6 hours and then take pictures of the image that emerged from the water particles. They change shapes and composition depending on the word that is pasted to them. He would also play music to the water and the composition of the atoms would change after hearing the music. Sounds wacky but it has been excruciatingly documented.

As a contrast, I offer Masaru's photo of water that has been exposed to horrible thoughts:

Masaru Emoto's photo of water after being exposed to message, "You make me sick. I will kill you."

So, as we are around 99% water, try to think kind thoughts about yourselves, it may go further than you think...

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Is that pesticide residue in your cereal?

I just found out today in doing some reseach on NGO's in Nigeria that Europeans indeed have plenty of pesticides in their salads and it is not just an American phenomena. I knew that they burned holes through migrant workers gloves when picking strawberries and caused all sorts of havoc such as causing suicide on tobacco however all of the following info is news to me. It is disturbing but comforting at the same time that large scale farming is screwed on a global level. DDT, a chemical used in insecticides etc, has been found in 67% of feta cheese samples. That is quite perturbing. Apparently 43% of fruits and veg, not sure if in Europe or UK contains delectable levels of pesticides. For more fun facts to make you feel wonderful click here. Most of this information was provided by the Pesticide Action Network.

It seems as well that the chemical, atrazine is found in the hot water in Indiana in the US. At least, it isn't a carcinogen, it just changes your hormone levels. It has been found in elevated doses in Indiana, probably due to the corn production. As low as a dose of one teaspoon in an Olympic size swimming pool of this same chemical has been know to change the sex of frogs into hemaphrodites when they are exposed to it. Strangely enough, this amount of it is allowed into drinking water in the UK. Having lived there and had tea from the drinking water makes me slightly worried about now but hey, it is past.

To find out what pesticides are being used in your country click here.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Neon heart

New York - "F***ing beautiful"

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Carpe Diem

I have been reflecting a lot on life recently having taken some intensely connecting yoga classes in California. One of my favorite teachers, Jonathan Reynolds, was talking about living in the moment and how often times fear stops us from doing things and in being terribly cautious you are not living but already dead. My grandmother has recently taken a turn for the worse and seems to have terminal cancer so say the doctors. I was sad at the prospect of losing her but then I remembered that everyone really is in the process of dying. It is sad to be so bound to the future and the past that you are not allowed to enjoy the present. Life is too short to treat others without respect or to worry incessantly about things. I spent all day yesterday being in love with my beautiful city of San Francisco. It's strange but I never noticed there were flowering trees there before outside of cherry blossoms. I guess compared to Boston and the east coast where almost all trees are seasonal and flower it fades into your memory and hides itself with that sock you can never seem to find. I was disturbed by not being so present and forgetting something as important as the flowers on the trees. Jonathan also mentioned something else quite interesting as we were waiting for someone to come into the class. He asked himself and us, what we were waiting for exactly. I thought about it and smiled thinking, when you spend all of your time waiting you are never really there. You are somewhere in the future.

I will try to keep Jonathan's words of wisdom close to my heart as I return my energy to the capitol of the US and all of its frustrations. There is always a positive outlook on a situation regardless of what it is.

As the airplane pulled in this morning I saw a gorgeous thin sliver of a moon winking at me low on the horizon. The sleepless night on the plane was all worth it just for briefly enjoying the moon's splendor. It is very definitely spring here with the magnolias, pink and white, cherry blossoms and other trees partying like mad with flowers in their hair.

Monday, April 04, 2005

Talking in jingles

I went to visit my grandmother yesterday at her senior assisted living commune. She is not very lucid these days due to age other problems. It is surreal speaking with her as she can't hear very well. Today, she seemed to be speaking only in jingles from television and radio. She was quoting Allstate yesterday. It is crazy to think that those are the things that stick in your head. Can you imagine what this planet would be like if commercials actually were used to help people learn languages or inform them on serious global issues rather than "Oscar Meyer has a way with B-O-L-O-G-N-A"? Working in tobacco control, I understand quite well the power of subliminal advertising. However as much as I remember some of the adverts, there is no chance I will by the product. Like the bologna, or some SUV etc.